Setting Up Account Sync
Maybe I'm just lost but we have the account sync
subscription this year.

As much as I have read about it - I can't find anything that
gives me the clear instructions for how to get our broker
account linked up with bivio.

Where do I go???


Douglas M. Amundson writes:
> As much as I have read about it - I can't find anything that
> gives me the clear instructions for how to get our broker
> account linked up with bivio.

There's a notice near the top of every screen of your Club Site that

    Missing Brokerage Information
    Enter your AccountSync brokerage.

Just click on the link.


Another path to your AccountSync setup, besides the one Rob
mentioned, is to go to Accounting/accounts, and click on
the "info" link to the right of your brokerage account. You
might need to use this path later if, say, you goof setting
up AccountSync the first time (like we did), or change
brokers, or whatever.
