New Club
We will be funding our Ameritrade account right after the
1st of the year. We are in the trial version now but need to
subscribe to Bivio ActiveParnership, AccountSync, and
Accountkeeper. My question is about Accountkeeper- Do I pay
for that now for 2008 taxes? We won't have any trades in
2007. And do we pay for more trades as we need them or do we
hve to pay up front? Thank you. Tom Kelly
Kelly Family Trust writes:
> We will be funding our Ameritrade account right after the
> 1st of the year. We are in the trial version now but need to
> subscribe to Bivio ActiveParnership, AccountSync, and
> Accountkeeper. My question is about Accountkeeper- Do I pay
> for that now for 2008 taxes?

Yes, Accountkeeper is the only bivio service that is based on a
calendar year subscription. Please contact to see
if Accountkeeper is the right subscription for you.

> We won't have any trades in 2007. And do we pay for more trades as
> we need them or do we have to pay up front?

Did you have any income or expenses in 2007? If so, you need to file
a return. You can do this with your Free Trial.

As for additional transactions, you buy them when you need them. 500
is more than enough to handle most investment clubs and hedge funds.
