

I am the treasurer of our club, and in my opinion, Bivio with AccountSync is FAR superior to manually entering the data; however, if you trade with a broker that isn’t supported with AccountSync, the $69 price should have been left in place until AccountSync works with those brokers (maybe that’s the case).

In the 5 or so years I’ve been with bivio, I have not had one problem, not one.  And, when we upgraded to AccountSync, my job was even easier.  I told my club that I really wasn’t doing anything except printing reports and looking at the numbers every now and then to make sure everything “makes sense.”  We have 1 set of deposits each month, and maybe 1 buy or sell transaction, and/or dividend.  It’s so easy; I wouldn’t ever want to do it any other way.  And to go back to manually doing the taxes for 15 club members?? Nope!

As for the $30 increase – when we upgraded, I told the club that there would be an increase from $69 to $99, and then explained all the new features we would be getting.  Only 1 dissenter stated that she didn’t think we should pay the $30 extra….. I said that was fine, and that I would be turning all the Treasurer’s duties over to her at the next election, as she would be the new Treasurer.  The look on her face was priceless….