Change in Subscription Services
Bivio should be sending out an email to all clubs notifying them of the price increase and the reasons behind it rather than replying to individuals via the Club Cafe.
I too found out about the increase by receiving a notice that my subscription was about to expire and was linked to the Autosync choice with no explanation. A poor way to find out.
At that point, each club can decide whether Bivio is right for them.
Andrew Smith
Northwest Research and Aquisition
I just paid my Club's bill for a $69 renewal last week and
today I get an e mail that the service is nolonger offer at
$69. Not a good way to do business.

 Andrew Smith wrote:
> Bivio should be sending out an email to all clubs notifying them of the price increase and the reasons behind it rather than replying to individuals via the Club Cafe.
> I too found out about the increase by receiving a notice that my subscription was about to expire and was linked to the Autosync choice with no explanation. A poor way to find out.
> At that point, each club can decide whether Bivio is right for them.
> Andrew Smith
> Treasurer
> Northwest Research and Aquisition