How do different clubs getting info from Valueline? Does
each member trek to the library? Does your club have a
subscription so they can get info on their own computers?
If so, what is the cost? Thanks, Nancy
>How do different clubs getting info from Valueline?

I'm a big fan of Value Line. So is Warren Buffett. (Not necessarily in
that order.) (GRIN) I think Value Line can provide substantial assistance
to investment clubs and individual investors -- regardless of where you're
at in your "investing journey."

>Does each member trek to the library?

Some clubs do this. If you want to test Value Line for FREE, Value Line
makes the PDFs available for the Dow 30 companies at:

I showed this to a group of ladies during a club visit and they nearly
fainted. (GRIN)

>Does your club have a subscription so they can get info on their own
computers? If so, what is the cost? Thanks, Nancy

Value Line still offers 13-week trial for $75. It's an individual
subscription. The trial subscriber will receive the printed copies at their
mailbox AND VL will provide access to the online version with a user name
and password.

When I first started with an investment club, we "took turns" subscribing.
There were 15 of us, so the cost was ($75 x 4)/15 = $20/year. The
subscriber made educational copies of the company reports for our holdings
and/or any stock studies performed by the club.

You might think that Value Line would "frown" on sharing like this, but 4-5
of us eventually decided that we had to have our OWN subscriptions. For an
individual taking care of a stock-based nest egg -- the investment can be a
particularly prudent one. For example, if you're taking care of $100,000,
the annual subscription is $598, or a expense ratio of 598/100000 = 0.60%
and that's not bad. For an investment club with $50,000 ... the $300 annual
expense to rotate the trials would also be 0.60%.

Value Line offers specials through Fidelity and other incentives. I'd
recommend calling or emailing and asking if there are any incentive offers
available. I've been a subscriber for most of the last 15 years and rarely
paid full price. For example, I have an offer right now as a renewing
incentive that supports "online only" and the price would be $897 for 112
weeks, a savings of 30% off the list price. But I really like the paper

Best regards,

Mark Robertson