matching clubs with potential members..
Hi there. I seem to remember reading here (or elsewhere
maybe?) that bivio enables potential members to locate clubs
and vice versa. How exactly does one go about doing that?
I'm starting a new club and I'm on the hunt for interested


Sameer Vishwanathan writes:
> Hi there. I seem to remember reading here (or elsewhere
> maybe?) that bivio enables potential members to locate clubs
> and vice versa. How exactly does one go about doing that?

We had a "bivio Connect" service once upon a time, but it's been long

Just email this list with your location so people know where you are.


Thanks for your note -- that clears it up.

I'm in Austin, TX. We are just starting the investment club;
we'll (most probably) use Bivio and optionsxpress. I'd love
to hear from people that:

a. are interested in possibly being part of the investment
b. have advice/input for someone that is just starting out.

I'm in sales training today/tomorrow/day-after (with the
company I work for) so I may not respond immediately but I
will get back to you soon as I get a chance.


Rob Nagler wrote:
> Sameer Vishwanathan writes:
> > Hi there. I seem to remember reading here (or elsewhere
> > maybe?) that bivio enables potential members to locate clubs
> > and vice versa. How exactly does one go about doing that?
> We had a "bivio Connect" service once upon a time, but it's been long
> gone.
> Just email this list with your location so people know where you are.
> Rob