AccountSync & married couple

Will I have a problem using AccountSync if the husband &
wife who belong to our club as 2 members deposit 1 check for
$100 instead of 2 for $50? Does each member have to deposit
a separate check?


Mike Carroll
Mike, Account Sync doesn't identify payments, merely the amounts deposited.
It is still up to the treasurer to assign to each person what they paid, so
keep your notes and check copies to document this each month. Gene Rooks,
Gene do not know if you can help me, I've been writting to
but is falling in deaf ears.
We have been trying to log on to our club acc. since thursday and we keep getting this message.

Your request cannot be fulfilled because the submitted data is no longer valid.
This may happen if you press Reload or Back on your browser.
If you do not understand this error message, please email customer support at
 But support does not exist because we have  been emailing since  thursday
and no respond.
Marcos Lainez

Gene Rooks <> wrote:
Mike, Account Sync doesn't identify payments, merely the amounts deposited.
It is still up to the treasurer to assign to each person what they paid, so
keep your notes and check copies to document this each month. Gene Rooks,

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Ok, I'll see how it works when I get to it. Thanks again for
those "Newbie Treasurer" articles!

Marcos, bivio support is usually quite prompt.   I'm afraid I can't assist you in this, because while I answer treasurer's questions sometimes on this list, I've only dabbled actually using the bivio system, so haven't had to deal with this.    Gene
Thank you G.

Gene Rooks <> wrote:
Marcos, bivio support is usually quite prompt.   I'm afraid I can't assist you in this, because while I answer treasurer's questions sometimes on this list, I've only dabbled actually using the bivio system, so haven't had to deal with this.    Gene

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Victoria Investment writes:
> But support does not exist because we have been emailing since thursday
> and no respond.

We're here. It's a rather odd error message that you ran into. It
might be a browser glitch. I suggest your restart your computer. It
might clear things up.

Somebody from support will try to email you. It may the mail is
getting lost. If you don't get a response, please call us at +1
