fines and s.s.#
We charge late fees etc. Is there a spot where a $20.00 fine
is deducted in the ledger, there by lowering the unit % for
that member?

Must we include the social security number on our club site
reports, to get a proper year end tax statement from bivio
for each member?
William, if you charge a late fee, you post it as a fee for that member.
While it increases his total paid in and his PIPE, it does not buy him any
units. What it does do is slightly increase the value of everyone's units
in the club, including his. You can't do any jiggling to reduce his units,
it just doesn't buy him any new ones. His penalty is he is out $20, and
almost all of the value of it is added to the other members. Gene Rooks,
Space Coast Chapter
William Wysocki wrote:
> Must we include the social security number on our club site
> reports, to get a proper year end tax statement from bivio
> for each member?

No. We have not entered ANY SSNs into Bivio. The tax
reports are done by name. The treasurer has the SSNs and
manually enters them onto the forms. We do the same thing
with home address. We keep one copy of the forms in the
archives. JUST IN CASE something were to happen at Bivio,
we've kept our information private.

Bob Mann
VP Lunch Money Investment Club