individual paying fees
Our club has an agreement that any fees incurred from
bouncing checks are to be paid by the member who caused the
fee in the first place.

Does everyone get credit for the expense of the fee? How do
we allocate the payment of the fee by the 'bad' member?

Our club has an agreement that any fees incurred from bouncing checks are to be paid by the member who caused the fee in the first place.
Yes, that's a good idea. The way to handle it is to have the offending member pay the amount of the nsf charge to the club, and record that payment as a fee. Then, record the charge from the bank/broker as an expense. Allocate such expense by ownership units, not equally by member. Done this way, the offending member has borne the expense, and all the members have received a share of the tax deduction. In addition, the offending member has had his basis in the club increased by the amount of the extra payment he has made.
Does everyone get credit for the expense of the fee? How do we allocate the payment of the fee by the 'bad' member?
We must make sure we are talking about the same thing, when we say 'allocate the payment' and 'get credit for the expense'. As I tried to explain, above, the offending member has been 'allocated' the economic burden of the expense. Every member gets a share of the tax deduction, including the offending member. In addition, the offending member has an increase in his basis, which will result in less tax for him when he finally leaves the club.
I'm not sure from your post what result you want. Done as explained above, no member's worth goes down because of the imposition of the nsf charge. The non-offending members have received a bonus in that they have received a small tax deduction at no cost. Only a portion of the amount paid by the offending member has resulted in an immediate tax deduction to him.
It is important to allocate the expense by ownership units. When the member's payment is recorded as a fee, everyone's value goes up in ratio to ownership units. Then, when the expense is recorded and allocated, as suggested, everyone's value goes down in ratio to ownership units. Thus, recorded this way, it's a wash for the other members, with the added kicker that they get a tax deduction.
Pretty long-winded explanation for a $25 fee, but there you have it.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 7:35 AM
Subject: club_cafe: individual paying fees
