Do not post your email address

Please do not post your personal email address on this message board.

I've been seeing a lot of this lately. It will be picked up by
spammers faster than you can say: spam, spam, spam!

If you want someone to reply to your message personally, tell them to
go to the message on the Club Cafe message board, click on the message
in question, and hit the reply button:

You then select the To: to the original sender, and it will go to him
or her directly. It's very easy, and will get you started on a
private email conversation relatively anonymously. It's a much safer
way to communicate with people the first time, anyway. This page is
only visible to *members* of the Club Cafe. It's easy to join and
leave the Club Cafe.

Please remember that spammers have no incentive to play by any
reasonable rules. I personally get over 5,000 spam messages a week.
My address has been "out in the wild" for years. I've got no choice.
Technology is my busines. Most of the spam to me are caught by
bivio's spam filters, but a few get through. The few that get through
are a real time sink for me, which means I have less time for you,
bivio users.

All of our jobs (users and technicians alike) is to be responsible net
users, and to avoid giving spammers the any advantages. They are
short-sighted opportunists who have degraded the net's most valuable
application: interpersonal communication through email.

Thanks for using bivio and the net responsibly,
Rob Nagler
CTO & user
bivio Inc.