Looking for online club to join
I am a college student in Dallas TX looking for an online
investment club to join. I am interested in clubs up to $200
a month. I work full time at Fidelity as a 401k specialist
and I am very interested in learning as much as possible
about investing in all aspects. I was a web designer and
network technician for two years prior to Fidelity.

Please email me at with any
questions or invitations.

Thank you
Justin Verrette
Justin Verrette wrote:
> I am a college student in Dallas TX looking for an online
> investment club to join. I am interested in clubs up to $200
> a month. I work full time at Fidelity as a 401k specialist
> and I am very interested in learning as much as possible
> about investing in all aspects. I was a web designer and
> network technician for two years prior to Fidelity.
> Please email me at with any
> questions or invitations.
> Thank you
> Justin Verrette

Justin, I couldn't get your email to work. Have you tried
the Friends N Family investment club on Bivio. I have no
affiliation with them, I have only exchanged several emails
with Chrirs.

Bob Mann