Import Trades
Is it possible to create a .txt or some other type of file
with standardized trade information that could be imported
into Bivio? Our club makes several trades and our broker is
not on the list for account sync. I spend quite a bit of
time entering trade data and if there was a standard format
to import the data this would save me a considerable amount
of time.

I can download all of our trade information from our broker
into a spreadsheet. Then using vb/macros in Excel, the data
could be formatted and file created that is acceptable for
import into Bivio.

I see that NAIC data can be imported and woder if the format
is something that could duplicated by a .txt or similiar

Thank you for your assistance.

Jonathan Abner writes:
> Is it possible to create a .txt or some other type of file
> with standardized trade information that could be imported
> into Bivio?

This is a tricky issue, because if it doesn't work right, it can be
more work than if you hand entered them.

Please email a sample of the trades to, and we'll
see what we can do.
