More Club Reports Available!
Hi everyone,

A club member and I are heading for the NAIC Iowa Education
Fair this weekend. We were asked to providing "dueling
director" stock reports. I just uploaded complete reports
to our Crow River website, if you are interested.

Go to and click on the Reports
& SSG folder, then on the Reports folder.

You are looking for the Brown & Brown Report (Iowa) and the
Coach Report (Iowa). The reports have inset pictures, which
can be dragged to a larger size. These are for our Power
Point presentations. SSGs and VLs are attached. You can
also find the SSG data files in the SSG folder.

I think I was put in charge of club reports (!!) but I
haven't heard anything concrete from the Bivio crew. Tax
time is keeping them busy, I'm sure! <G>

Anyway, if you or your club members have any interesting
reports, please share them with the rest of us! We're
always looking for good ideas.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club