Two members uploaded ssgs and when downloading same I get an
error message "Run-time error '62' Input past end of file"

Other SSG files in bivio download OK.

Appears to be a problem with the upload since originater can
not download their own ssg from bivio without getting same
error message..

Ray Marchand
Ray, the Toolkit poeple don't monitor this board. You should take the
problem to the ICL. I'm wondering if the files were simply corrupted in
transportation. Have them delete the files and try again! Also, have them
send you the files direct. Someone on the ICL should know what Run-Time 62

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis
Ray Marchand wrote:
> Two members uploaded ssgs and
> when downloading same I get an
> error message "Run-time error '62'
> Input past end of file"

If you make one of the problem files "public" and give us
the URL, perhaps someone can look at it and have a

-Jim Thomas