Tax Question
The Stae Tax(NC) asks for a list of members and their
percetage of the club and their income. I can't find any
way to do that but to add and subtract all the numbers on
each K-1. It seems like there should be something in Bivio
that has that info. Am I missing it. I thought in my past
with NAIC that I could actually print a member list with all
the necessary information and that the percetage income was
available to see without adding and subtracting from k-1's.
Sandy, in bivio I believe you will find your answer under the Reports page,
for Member Tax Allocation for the figures, and Members Status Report for the
percentage of club ownership. Put in your dates for 1/1/05 to 12/31/05.

Gene Rooks - Orlando
Space Coast Chapter
Gene Rooks wrote:
> Sandy, in bivio I believe you will find your answer under the Reports page,
> for Member Tax Allocation for the figures, and Members Status Report for the
> percentage of club ownership. Put in your dates for 1/1/05 to 12/31/05.
> Gene Rooks - Orlando
> Space Coast Chapter

 After I did it from each K-1, I see you are very right!!
 Hope I remember that next year!! Thank you very much for
 your answer.