Tax Deduction for Club Related Expenses - HELP
Great site....Our club has been members since 2000. Was doing some thinking recently regarding possible tax deductions that I have may not have been taking advantage of in the past. I am the President of our club which is a partnership registered in NY State.
I was wondering if I (or the club) can take a tax deduction for the following:
1) purchase of a computer
2) purchase of a shredder
3) purchase of a wireless router
4) subscription to Barrons, WSJ, etc
5) telephone bill
6) cable and internet bill
7) food purchases/drinks during club meetings
Some of these have been for 100% club use (ie, food/drinks for meetings, barron's, wsj, subscriptions) and some are a combination of personal and club use (ie computer, internet, etc). I imagine that there must be a way to take a deduction?
Being the club President, I would be the one taking the deduction since I put have historically been the one paying the money for the shredder, computer, etc. Are these individual deductions or should I have bought them with club money and taken the deduction that way??
Any help in steering me in the right direction would be much appreciated.
President, New Millennium Investment Club