Do you have any suggestions on how to handle a member having
an overwhelming percentage of a stock club portfolio.
Our club limits each member to a maximum of 25% of the total value of the
portfolio. We do this for two reasons. First, a departing member with a
large stake in the club can really mess up all the work we've done to
properly diversify our holdings. If yoru club pays out in cash, instead of
stock, then more damage could be done if you have to prematurely sell stocks
to complete the departure.

The second reason is because we don't want any one or two persons having
that much clout when it comes to decision making. No matter what percentage
we each own in our club, we operate under a one-person; one-vote rule. We
recently had a new member come into the club, dump lots of cash on us, then
feel that she didn't have to show up or do the work--that somehow, her large
cash payments to the club absolved her from having to share in the workload.
It didn't work out. We had to say goodbye.

Our members pay various amounts with a minimum limit of $30. When a member
crosses over the 25% mark, we don't stop accepting payments. We simply hold
them to the $30 minimum until the other catch up, which is usually a couple
of months.

Our Partnership Agreement and our Operating Procedures cover all this. You
can find them on our website at Write again if you
have more questions.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club