Kalamazoo Michigan Area
I am new mwmber would like to communicate with a member to
help us over the beginers problems. We are computer illiret
my e-mail address is genedawn1@Juno .com.
Need help especially for tax time.
Thank You ,Kalamazoo, Michigan
Welcome Eugene! You will find the Bivio community very helpful as you learn
the system. I would like to recommend that, when you have
questions--whether they are about accounting, stocks, or club
operations--you post them to the Club Cafe message board. That way, you can
get feedback, advice and ideas from several people, all at once! No
question is too silly or simple. We were all computer illiterate once! By
communicating with us on a regular basis, you will become comfortable with
your computer.

Before you can do your club taxes, you need the 1099 from the broker or
brokers. Most of us have not received them yet. The taxes on Bivio are very
easy! When the time comes, we can post simple step-by-step instructions, if
they are not already here somewhere. Don't worry! We'll get you through

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club

>I am new mwmber would like to communicate with a member to
> help us over the beginers problems. We are computer illiret
> my e-mail address is genedawn1@Juno .com.
> Need help especially for tax time.
> Thank You ,Kalamazoo, Michigan