2005 tax forms
When will Bivio be able to produce 2005 tax forms for
members ?
Jeff Stapleton writes:
> When will Bivio be able to produce 2005 tax forms for
> members ?

You will need to wait for your 1099s from your financial
institutions before you can give your members their K1s. As far as we
know, none of the major institutions have produced 1099s for their
customers yet.

As far as bivio is concerned, our software will be ready by the end of
the week, if not sooner.

Again, do not release your K1s until you have audited the numbers in
your books with what the brokers are reporting on your 1099s. It has
been our experience that brokers miscategorize many types of
transactions such as stock splits and cash-in-lieu. Tou may need to
recategorize your transactions, even though the 1099 is wrong, because
the brokers report these amounts to the IRS, and the IRS can't know
that what the brokers report is incorrect.
