club_cafe: Nextel / Sprint Reorg
>>I know the Reorginization has happened awhile ago but our
club is several months behind as the previous treasurer quit
doing his job and didn't let anyone know.
Question is:  We have (had) 134 shares of Nextel and now
according to Ameritrade, we have 169 shares of Sprint.

>>How do I enter this into Bivio??  Do I use the Merger
This is not a straightforward merger. You must do some manual calculations before you can enter anything. The cash you received may be taxable as a capital gain or it may be a return of capital or both. If capital gain, it may be short-term, long-term or both.
This event involves 3 or 4 transactions:
    1) The merger
    2) A Return of Capital from Sprint-Nextel and/or
    3) A Capital Gain
    4) Reorganization fee
Information you need:
    Your information
        The total cost of your Nextel stock.  
        The number of Nextel shares you owned prior to 8/12/05.
    Company information
        You received $0.84629198 in cash for each Nextel share
        You received 1.26750218 shares of Sprint-Nextel Corp for each Nextel share
        Nextel traded at $33.32 on 8/12/05.
        Sprint traded at $26.15 on 8/12/05.
Enter the Merger on 8/12/05.
Owners of Nextel receive 1.26750218 shares of Sprint-Nextel Corp for each share of Nextel that they own.  
    Ticker: (I don't remember Nextel's old ticker)
    Acquiring Ticker: S (the new ticker symbol for Sprint-Nextel)
    Transaction date: 8/12/05
    Shares: the exact number of Nextel shares you owned * 1.26750218
    Cash Received: Fractional share * price that day [use the cash reported by the broker as the broker may have sold the fractional share at a different price. This may be reported by the broker several days after the merger date.] NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE $0.84629198 cash received for each share of Nextel.
    Account: your choice, usually Broker.
Next,  determine how to report the cash received.
You need to calculate three amounts: the amount of cash received (before the sale of any fractional shares), the value of the Sprint-Nextel shares received in the merger (before the sale of any fractional shares), and the total consideration received in the merger (the sum of the value of Sprint-Nextel shares and cash received, both before the sale of any fractional shares).
Let's break this down with an example:
Assume you have 100 shares of Nextel.
You received $84.629198 and 126.750218 shares of Sprint-Nextel.
The value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is 126.750218 * $26.15 = $3,314.52
The total consideration received in the merger is $84.63 + $3,314.52 = $3,399.15.
One of the following three conditions will be true, follow the instructions for that condition:
    a) The value of Sprint-Nextel stock received is greater than the total cost of Nextel stock owned. (capital gain)
    b) The total consideration received (value of Sprint-Nextel stock plus cash received) is less than the total cost of Nextel stock owned. (return of capital)
    c) Neither a) nor b) is true. (part capital gain/part return of capital)
a) If the value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is higher than the total cost of Nextel, then all of the cash received is reported as a capital gain distribution.  Let's break this down with an example:
Assume the total cost for your 100 shares of Nextel was $3,300. 
The value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is $3,314.52.
The value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is higher than the total cost, so all of the cash received ($84.63) is reported as a capital gain distribution. 
To enter the Short Term (less than one year) or Long Term (over one year) Capital Gain enter an Investment Income transaction:
    Ticker: (whatever the old Nextel ticker was)
    Transaction Date: 8/12/05
    Distribution Type: Long-term capital gain or Short-term capital gain based on holding period of the block of Nextel stock
    Ex-Dividend Date: (leave blank)
    Gross Amount: Number of shares of Nextel * $0.84629198
    Account: your choice, usually broker
b) If the total consideration received (value of Sprint-Nextel stock plus cash received) is less than the total cost of Nextel stock, then all the cash received is reported as a Return of Capital. Here's an example:
Assume your total cost for your Nextel stock was $3,450.
The total consideration received in the merger is $84.63 + $3,314.52 = $3,399.15.
The total consideration received is higher than the total cost, so all of the cash received ($84.63) is reported as a return of capital distribution. 
To enter the Return of Capital enter an Investment Income transaction:
    Ticker: (whatever the old Nextel ticker was)
    Transaction Date: 8/12/05
    Distribution Type: Return of Capital
    Ex-Dividend Date: (leave blank)
    Gross Amount: Number of shares of Nextel * $0.84629198
    Account: your choice, usually broker
c) If neither a) nor b) applies to you, then part of the cash you received will be reported as a capital gain and part as a return of capital.
Assume your total cost for your Nextel stock was $3,350.
The value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is 126.750218 * $26.15 = $3,314.52
The total consideration received in the merger is $84.63 + $3,314.52 = $3,399.15.
The difference between the total consideration received and the total cost of your Nextel stock is reported as capital gain distribution from Sprint-Nextel ($3,399.15 - $3,350 = $49.15)
The difference between the total cost of your Nextel stock and the value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is reported as a return of capital from Sprint-Nextel ($3,350 - $3,314.52 = $35.48)
Finally, enter the Reorganization fee, also on 8/12/05.
If the broker charged you a reorganization fee, enter that as a negative Return of Capital.
To enter the Return of Capital enter an Investment Income transaction:
    Ticker: S
    Transaction Date: 8/12/05
    Distribution Type: Return of Capital
    Ex-Dividend Date: (leave blank)
    Gross Amount: the reorganization fee, but entered as a negative number (a $20 fee would be entered as -$20).
    Account: your choice, usually broker
Note: For the purposes of steps 1-3, you should treat each block of Nextel stock you owned separately from the others. Some may get one treatment, while others may get another. The reorganization fee (if any) can be entered in a single transaction after all the other merger related transactions are entered.
Ira Smilovitz
Thanks for you help with this. It's alot of information to
digest but I'll just have to re-read it several times.
Thank you for you examples.

-Jay wrote:
> >>I know the Reorginization has happened
> awhile ago but our
> club is several months behind as the previous treasurer
> quit
> doing his job and didn't let anyone know.
> Question is:  We have
> (had) 134 shares of Nextel and now
> according to Ameritrade, we have 169
> shares of Sprint.
> >>How do I enter this into Bivio??  Do I use
> the Merger
> button??
> This is not a straightforward merger. You must do some manual calculations
> before you can enter anything. The cash you received may be taxable as a capital
> gain or it may be a return of capital or both. If capital gain, it may be
> short-term, long-term or both.
> This event involves 3 or 4 transactions:
>     1) The
> merger
>     2) A Return of Capital from Sprint-Nextel
> and/or
>     3) A Capital
> Gain
>     4) Reorganization fee
> Information you need:
>     Your
> information
>         The total cost of
> your Nextel
> stock.  
>         The number
> of Nextel shares you owned prior to 8/12/05.
>     Company
> information
>         You received
> $0.84629198 in cash for each Nextel
> share
>         You received 1.26750218
> shares of Sprint-Nextel Corp for each Nextel
> share
>         Nextel traded at $33.32
> on 8/12/05.
>         Sprint traded at
> $26.15 on 8/12/05.
> Enter the Merger on 8/12/05.
> Owners of Nextel receive
> 1.26750218 shares of Sprint-Nextel Corp for each share of Nextel that they
> own.  
>     Ticker: (I don't remember Nextel's
> old ticker)
>     Acquiring Ticker: S (the new ticker symbol for
> Sprint-Nextel)
>     Transaction date:
> 8/12/05
>     Shares: the exact number of Nextel shares you
> owned * 1.26750218
>     Cash Received: Fractional share * price that day
> [use the cash reported by the broker as the broker may have sold the fractional
> share at a different price. This may be reported by the broker several days
> after the merger date.] NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE $0.84629198 cash
> received for each share of Nextel.
>     Account: your
> choice, usually Broker.
> Next,  determine how to report the cash
> received.
> You need to calculate three amounts: the amount of cash received (before
> the sale of any fractional shares), the value of the Sprint-Nextel shares
> received in the merger (before the sale of any fractional shares), and the total
> consideration received in the merger (the sum of the value of Sprint-Nextel
> shares and cash received, both before the sale of any fractional
> shares).
> Let's break this down with an example:
> Assume you have 100 shares of
> Nextel.
> You received $84.629198 and 126.750218 shares of
> Sprint-Nextel.
> The value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is 126.750218 *
> $26.15 = $3,314.52
> The total consideration received in the merger is $84.63 +
> $3,314.52 = $3,399.15.
> One of the following three conditions will be true, follow the instructions
> for that condition:
>     a) The value of
> Sprint-Nextel stock received is greater than the total cost of Nextel stock
> owned. (capital gain)
>     b) The total consideration
> received (value of Sprint-Nextel stock plus cash received) is less than the
> total cost of Nextel stock owned. (return of
> capital)
>     c) Neither a) nor b) is true. (part
> capital gain/part return of capital)
> a) If the value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is higher than the
> total cost of Nextel, then all of the cash received is reported as a capital
> gain distribution.  Let’s break this down with an example:
> Assume the total cost for your 100 shares of Nextel was $3,300. 
> The value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is $3,314.52.
> The value of
> the Sprint-Nextel stock received is higher than the total cost, so all of the
> cash received ($84.63) is reported as a capital gain distribution. 
> To enter the Short Term (less than one year) or Long Term (over one year)
> Capital Gain enter an Investment Income transaction:
>     Ticker: (whatever the old Nextel ticker was)
>     Transaction Date: 8/12/05
>     Distribution Type: Long-term capital gain or
> Short-term capital gain based on holding period of the block of Nextel
> stock
>     Ex-Dividend Date: (leave blank)
>     Gross Amount: Number of shares of Nextel *
> $0.84629198
>     Account: your choice, usually
> broker
> b) If the total consideration received (value of Sprint-Nextel stock
> plus cash received) is less than the total cost of Nextel stock, then all the
> cash received is reported as a Return of Capital. Here's an example:
> Assume your total cost for your Nextel stock was $3,450.
> The total
> consideration received in the merger is $84.63 + $3,314.52 = $3,399.15.
> The
> total consideration received is higher than the total cost, so all of the cash
> received ($84.63) is reported as a return of capital distribution. 
> To enter the Return of Capital enter an Investment Income
> transaction:
>     Ticker: (whatever the old Nextel ticker was)
>     Transaction Date: 8/12/05
>     Distribution Type: Return of Capital
>     Ex-Dividend Date: (leave blank)
>     Gross Amount: Number of shares of Nextel *
> $0.84629198
>     Account: your choice, usually
> broker
> c) If neither a) nor b) applies to you, then part of the cash you received
> will be reported as a capital gain and part as a return of capital.
> Assume your total cost for your Nextel stock was $3,350.
> The value of
> the Sprint-Nextel stock received is 126.750218 * $26.15 = $3,314.52
> The total
> consideration received in the merger is $84.63 + $3,314.52 = $3,399.15.
> The
> difference between the total consideration received and the total cost of your
> Nextel stock is reported as capital gain distribution from Sprint-Nextel
> ($3,399.15 - $3,350 = $49.15)
> The difference between the total cost of your
> Nextel stock and the value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is reported as a
> return of capital from Sprint-Nextel ($3,350 - $3,314.52 = $35.48)
> Finally, enter the Reorganization fee, also on
> 8/12/05.
> If the broker charged you a reorganization fee, enter that
> as a negative Return of Capital.
> To enter the Return of Capital enter an Investment Income
> transaction:
>     Ticker: S
>     Transaction Date: 8/12/05
>     Distribution Type: Return of Capital
>     Ex-Dividend Date: (leave blank)
>     Gross Amount: the reorganization fee, but entered
> as a negative number (a $20 fee would be entered as
> -$20).
>     Account: your choice, usually broker
> Note: For the purposes of steps 1-3, you should treat each block of
> Nextel stock you owned separately from the others. Some may get one treatment,
> while others may get another. The reorganization fee (if any) can be entered in
> a single transaction after all the other merger related transactions are
> entered.
> Ira Smilovitz
Ira, this explanation was very helpful to me in trying to
figure out how to handle the Nextel/Sprint payment we
received from the merger. I followed your step by step
instructions and was able to figure out that our 36.79
payment should be classified as a capital gain distribution,
but there were no instructions for determining which portion
is long-term and which is short-term. Some of our stock was
held for over a year and different amounts were bought and
sold within a year. I could really use your advice. Thanks!
Amy Fast wrote:
> >>I know the Reorginization has happened
> awhile ago but our
> club is several months behind as the previous treasurer
> quit
> doing his job and didn't let anyone know.
> Question is: We have
> (had) 134 shares of Nextel and now
> according to Ameritrade, we have 169
> shares of Sprint.
> >>How do I enter this into Bivio?? Do I use
> the Merger
> button??
> This is not a straightforward merger. You must do some manual calculations
> before you can enter anything. The cash you received may be taxable as a capital
> gain or it may be a return of capital or both. If capital gain, it may be
> short-term, long-term or both.
> This event involves 3 or 4 transactions:
> 1) The
> merger
> 2) A Return of Capital from Sprint-Nextel
> and/or
> 3) A Capital
> Gain
> 4) Reorganization fee
> Information you need:
> Your
> information
> The total cost of
> your Nextel
> stock.
> The number
> of Nextel shares you owned prior to 8/12/05.
> Company
> information
> You received
> $0.84629198 in cash for each Nextel
> share
> You received 1.26750218
> shares of Sprint-Nextel Corp for each Nextel
> share
> Nextel traded at $33.32
> on 8/12/05.
> Sprint traded at
> $26.15 on 8/12/05.
> Enter the Merger on 8/12/05.
> Owners of Nextel receive
> 1.26750218 shares of Sprint-Nextel Corp for each share of Nextel that they
> own.
> Ticker: (I don't remember Nextel's
> old ticker)
> Acquiring Ticker: S (the new ticker symbol for
> Sprint-Nextel)
> Transaction date:
> 8/12/05
> Shares: the exact number of Nextel shares you
> owned * 1.26750218
> Cash Received: Fractional share * price that day
> [use the cash reported by the broker as the broker may have sold the fractional
> share at a different price. This may be reported by the broker several days
> after the merger date.] NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE $0.84629198 cash
> received for each share of Nextel.
> Account: your
> choice, usually Broker.
> Next, determine how to report the cash
> received.
> You need to calculate three amounts: the amount of cash received (before
> the sale of any fractional shares), the value of the Sprint-Nextel shares
> received in the merger (before the sale of any fractional shares), and the total
> consideration received in the merger (the sum of the value of Sprint-Nextel
> shares and cash received, both before the sale of any fractional
> shares).
> Let's break this down with an example:
> Assume you have 100 shares of
> Nextel.
> You received $84.629198 and 126.750218 shares of
> Sprint-Nextel.
> The value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is 126.750218 *
> $26.15 = $3,314.52
> The total consideration received in the merger is $84.63 +
> $3,314.52 = $3,399.15.
> One of the following three conditions will be true, follow the instructions
> for that condition:
> a) The value of
> Sprint-Nextel stock received is greater than the total cost of Nextel stock
> owned. (capital gain)
> b) The total consideration
> received (value of Sprint-Nextel stock plus cash received) is less than the
> total cost of Nextel stock owned. (return of
> capital)
> c) Neither a) nor b) is true. (part
> capital gain/part return of capital)
> a) If the value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is higher than the
> total cost of Nextel, then all of the cash received is reported as a capital
> gain distribution. Let’s break this down with an example:
> Assume the total cost for your 100 shares of Nextel was $3,300.
> The value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is $3,314.52.
> The value of
> the Sprint-Nextel stock received is higher than the total cost, so all of the
> cash received ($84.63) is reported as a capital gain distribution.
> To enter the Short Term (less than one year) or Long Term (over one year)
> Capital Gain enter an Investment Income transaction:
> Ticker: (whatever the old Nextel ticker was)
> Transaction Date: 8/12/05
> Distribution Type: Long-term capital gain or
> Short-term capital gain based on holding period of the block of Nextel
> stock
> Ex-Dividend Date: (leave blank)
> Gross Amount: Number of shares of Nextel *
> $0.84629198
> Account: your choice, usually
> broker
> b) If the total consideration received (value of Sprint-Nextel stock
> plus cash received) is less than the total cost of Nextel stock, then all the
> cash received is reported as a Return of Capital. Here's an example:
> Assume your total cost for your Nextel stock was $3,450.
> The total
> consideration received in the merger is $84.63 + $3,314.52 = $3,399.15.
> The
> total consideration received is higher than the total cost, so all of the cash
> received ($84.63) is reported as a return of capital distribution.
> To enter the Return of Capital enter an Investment Income
> transaction:
> Ticker: (whatever the old Nextel ticker was)
> Transaction Date: 8/12/05
> Distribution Type: Return of Capital
> Ex-Dividend Date: (leave blank)
> Gross Amount: Number of shares of Nextel *
> $0.84629198
> Account: your choice, usually
> broker
> c) If neither a) nor b) applies to you, then part of the cash you received
> will be reported as a capital gain and part as a return of capital.
> Assume your total cost for your Nextel stock was $3,350.
> The value of
> the Sprint-Nextel stock received is 126.750218 * $26.15 = $3,314.52
> The total
> consideration received in the merger is $84.63 + $3,314.52 = $3,399.15.
> The
> difference between the total consideration received and the total cost of your
> Nextel stock is reported as capital gain distribution from Sprint-Nextel
> ($3,399.15 - $3,350 = $49.15)
> The difference between the total cost of your
> Nextel stock and the value of the Sprint-Nextel stock received is reported as a
> return of capital from Sprint-Nextel ($3,350 - $3,314.52 = $35.48)
> Finally, enter the Reorganization fee, also on
> 8/12/05.
> If the broker charged you a reorganization fee, enter that
> as a negative Return of Capital.
> To enter the Return of Capital enter an Investment Income
> transaction:
> Ticker: S
> Transaction Date: 8/12/05
> Distribution Type: Return of Capital
> Ex-Dividend Date: (leave blank)
> Gross Amount: the reorganization fee, but entered
> as a negative number (a $20 fee would be entered as
> -$20).
> Account: your choice, usually broker
> Note: For the purposes of steps 1-3, you should treat each block of
> Nextel stock you owned separately from the others. Some may get one treatment,
> while others may get another. The reorganization fee (if any) can be entered in
> a single transaction after all the other merger related transactions are
> entered.
> Ira Smilovitz