Uploading SSG
A SSG uploaded into Bivio is subsequently downloaded for
viewing by another member And all that is displayed is a
long column of numbers.

However if file is downloaded into desktop and then viewed
by going into TK and importing it from the desktop it works.

What is causing this problem?

Ray Marchand
Hi Ray,

Hopefully I can answer this question (smile).

Let me start by saying there is nothing wrong with the Bivio
system concerning this operation. What you upload into the
Bivio system is just a data file from a TK program and not
the program itself (just the data). Depending on the TK
program you're using (version number), the step you
mentioned as "displayed a long column of numbers" is normal
for the older TK versions (v4 and older). I've also notice
this action happening on older OS (Operating Systems).The
newer version (TK5) lets you open ths data file directly
into the TK program.

I hope that helps

Ray Marchand wrote:
> A SSG uploaded into Bivio is subsequently downloaded for
> viewing by another member And all that is displayed is a
> long column of numbers.
> However if file is downloaded into desktop and then viewed
> by going into TK and importing it from the desktop it works.
> What is causing this problem?
> Ray Marchand

I am using TK v5.1 and when uploading SSGs from other Stock
watchers there is no problem.



Ray Marchand

> Hi Ray,
> Hopefully I can answer this question (smile).
> Let me start by saying there is nothing wrong with the Bivio
> system concerning this operation. What you upload into the
> Bivio system is just a data file from a TK program and not
> the program itself (just the data). Depending on the TK
> program you're using (version number), the step you
> mentioned as "displayed a long column of numbers" is normal
> for the older TK versions (v4 and older). I've also notice
> this action happening on older OS (Operating Systems).The
> newer version (TK5) lets you open ths data file directly
> into the TK program.
> I hope that helps
> Ray Marchand wrote:
> > A SSG uploaded into Bivio is subsequently downloaded for
> > viewing by another member And all that is displayed is a
> > long column of numbers.
> >
> > However if file is downloaded into desktop and then viewed
> > by going into TK and importing it from the desktop it works.
> >
> > What is causing this problem?
> >
> > Ray Marchand
Hi Guys,

I think Ray's problem has to do with file associations. I went to my own
Bivio website, opened our SSG folder and double-clicked on an SSG at random.
It opened Toolkit just fine. So here's what I recommend. It may or may not
solve the problem. You'll have to try it.

Do a "save target as" and save your SSG data file from Bivio to your
desktop. Right-click on that file and click on Properties. Under the
General Tab, you'll find Type of File. Make sure the file "Opens With" your
Toolkit program. If not, then click on the Change button, find your Toolkit
program icon, and click on it, then click on Apply. Then OK. Go back to
Bivio and double-click on one of your SSG files. It should now open your
program automatically because you've associated any .itk file with the
correct program.

If not, write back and we'll get it figured out.

P.S. Another possibility is how you've uploaded the file to Bivio. Go to
my website, click on Club Folders, then on Reports & SSGs, then on SSGs, and
try to double-click on any of our SSGs. If you get an "open" box and it
works, then the problem is in your uploading process.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club
Oh well I guess that didn't help.
I also use TK 5.1 on XP w/SP2. Like I've said before I only
notice that issue with older TK file extension (.ssd, and
some .ssg files from TK3-4). Are you sure all the the files
stored in Bivio are from TK5 (not .ITK or .SDF)?

Ray Marchand wrote:
> Hi,Brian
> I am using TK v5.1 and when uploading SSGs from other Stock
> watchers there is no problem.
> Confused
> Ray Marchand
The files I have a problem with are from one person who has
assured me that they were uploaded with a .ssg extension.
Not sure what version of TK he is using. When I right click
on his bivio SSG file and click on properties the message
says "Will open in: Same window.

> Oh well I guess that didn't help.
> I also use TK 5.1 on XP w/SP2. Like I've said before I only
> notice that issue with older TK file extension (.ssd, and
> some .ssg files from TK3-4). Are you sure all the the files
> stored in Bivio are from TK5 (not .ITK or .SDF)?
> Ray Marchand wrote:
> > Hi,Brian
> >
> > I am using TK v5.1 and when uploading SSGs from other Stock
> > watchers there is no problem.
> >
> > My OS is WINXP PRO SP2
> >
> > Confused
> >
> > Ray Marchand
> >
Wow Ray that's a tough one for sure, but it still doesn't
sound like a problem with Bivio. It's more like Lynn states,
"the file isn't being linked correctly". Either way it seems
to me (for all that is worth - smile) that the issue is with
the linking of the file because you're still able to access
it from your program when its saved to the desktop or
another storeage media (HDD, FDD, or CD).

By the way, I've also had problems getting a complete data
file from people using NAIC's Classic program (trial
version). Hmmm, lets try this out. Have your friend export
his/her file to there desktop and email it to you as an
attechment. This will by-pass Bivio all together, so that if
you're able to open it the normal way the problem is truly
with Bivio's server, maybe (don't want to get my hand slap
by the powers that control bookkeeping - LOL).

Ray Marchand wrote:
> Brian,
> The files I have a problem with are from one person who has
> assured me that they were uploaded with a .ssg extension.
> Not sure what version of TK he is using. When I right click
> on his bivio SSG file and click on properties the message
> says "Will open in: Same window.

The personuploading file is using TK4 V18.
I can save file of numbers and import same by TK5 with no
Asked person to try using TK5 to upload into bivio

> Wow Ray that's a tough one for sure, but it still doesn't
> sound like a problem with Bivio. It's more like Lynn states,
> "the file isn't being linked correctly". Either way it seems
> to me (for all that is worth - smile) that the issue is with
> the linking of the file because you're still able to access
> it from your program when its saved to the desktop or
> another storeage media (HDD, FDD, or CD).
> By the way, I've also had problems getting a complete data
> file from people using NAIC's Classic program (trial
> version). Hmmm, lets try this out. Have your friend export
> his/her file to there desktop and email it to you as an
> attechment. This will by-pass Bivio all together, so that if
> you're able to open it the normal way the problem is truly
> with Bivio's server, maybe (don't want to get my hand slap
> by the powers that control bookkeeping - LOL).
> Ray Marchand wrote:
> > Brian,
> > The files I have a problem with are from one person who has
> > assured me that they were uploaded with a .ssg extension.
> > Not sure what version of TK he is using. When I right click
> > on his bivio SSG file and click on properties the message
> > says "Will open in: Same window.
> >
You could mark one of the problem SSG files on your bivio
site as "public" so the rest of us can see it and try it.

-Jim Thomas

I do not know how to do this

Ray Marchand

> You could mark one of the problem SSG files on your bivio
> site as "public" so the rest of us can see it and try it.
> -Jim Thomas

>> You could mark one of the problem SSG files on your bivio
>> site as "public" so the rest of us can see it and try it.

Now I'm curious too! Ray, your SSG file is in your Files Section of bivio.
There are headings at the top of the files. They should be--Public, Name,
Owner, Last Modified, Size, Delete, and Action. All you have to do is put a
check mark in the box under Public, then go to the bottom of the page and
click on Apply Changes.

If you do not see these headings, then you are not an administrator, and
you'll have to contact whoever started the site and have them do it for you.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club

I am listed as administrator & do not have access to
headings noted below

Ray Marchand
> >> You could mark one of the problem SSG files on your bivio
> >> site as "public" so the rest of us can see it and try it.
> Now I'm curious too! Ray, your SSG file is in your Files Section of bivio.
> There are headings at the top of the files. They should be--Public, Name,
> Owner, Last Modified, Size, Delete, and Action. All you have to do is put a
> check mark in the box under Public, then go to the bottom of the page and
> click on Apply Changes.
> If you do not see these headings, then you are not an administrator, and
> you'll have to contact whoever started the site and have them do it for you.
> Lynn Ostrem, President
> Crow River Investment Club
OK, that's wierd. Does anyone know what's causing the
behavior described below?

There are two public folders at

Using Firefox, I can click on DHR.SSG in the "Stock
Watcher's" folder and I'll get an "Opening DHR.SSG" dialog
box. Clicking OK downloads the file and opens it in

However (again, using Firefox) if I click on any of the .SSG
files in "Joe Smith's" folder I get the SSG file displayed
as a column of numbers in the browser (instead of the
"Opening ..." dialog box I'd expect). However, clicking on
the .ITK file in "Joe Smith's" folder produces the desired
behavior (it's downloaded and opened in Toolkit).

Using Internet Explorer, the SSG files in both folders
download and open in Toolkit as expected (i.e., none are
displayed as columns of numbers).

What it is about the SSG files in "Joe Smith's" folder that
make them behave differently in Firefox (but not IE) than
the SSG file in the "Stock Watcher's" folder?

-Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas wrote:
> What it is about the SSG files in "Joe Smith's" folder that
> make them behave differently in Firefox (but not IE) than
> the SSG file in the "Stock Watcher's" folder?
I took a look, and the problem is caused by the 'content-type'
returned to the browser. When you upload a file to the bivio files
area, the browser supplies the content-type of the document, which is
stored and then send back with the document when it is downloaded.
For some reason, the content type of the SSGs in the "Joe Smith"
folder were uploaded with a content-type of "text/plain" which
instructs the browser to display the information as a text
document. Internet Explorer ignores this information when downloading
and instead looks at the file extension of the document. The
content-type of the DHR.SSG is 'application/octet-stream' which is a
catch all type to describe application data.
We'll update our software so SSG files always use the
'application/octet-stream' type to describe the data returned to the
browser. This should be in place on Monday morning.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.
To Jim Thomas & Paul Moeller

Thank you for your outstanding attention to resolving this

Ray Marchand
Bergen Model Investment Club - New Jersey

Paul Moeller wrote:
> Jim Thomas wrote:
> > What it is about the SSG files in "Joe Smith's" folder that
> > make them behave differently in Firefox (but not IE) than
> > the SSG file in the "Stock Watcher's" folder?
> I took a look, and the problem is caused by the 'content-type'
> returned to the browser. When you upload a file to the bivio files
> area, the browser supplies the content-type of the document, which is
> stored and then send back with the document when it is downloaded.
> For some reason, the content type of the SSGs in the "Joe Smith"
> folder were upload

ed with a content-type of "text/plain" which
> instructs the browser to display the information as a text
> document. Internet Explorer ignores this information when downloading
> and instead looks at the file extension of the document. The
> content-type of the DHR.SSG is 'application/octet-stream' which is a
> catch all type to describe application data.
> We'll update our software so SSG files always use the
> 'application/octet-stream' type to describe the data returned to the
> browser. This should be in place on Monday morning.
> Paul Moeller
> bivio, Inc.