few questions on the demo account

I am trying the demo account and it will expire in November,

I like what bivio provides for my investment club. I did
not sign up (not paid $69) yet though because I want to sign
up in January of 2006.

Will my current account active in January, 2006? I mean...
Do I need to create a new account in order to login in
January to sign up?

richard lee writes:
> Will my current account active in January, 2006? I mean...
> Do I need to create a new account in order to login in
> January to sign up?

When your free trial expires, you'll still have read-only access to
your data. You just can't update it. You can use the message boards
and files area always. They are always free.

When you pay in January, your account will be immediately active, and
you can start updating your out of date information.

Thank you for using bivio!
