marital bliss
Greetings! I have a husband and wife in the club who have
been individual members for 12 years and now want to become
one member. Can anyone help me with procedure to follow?
Thanks in advance

Lounge Rat

> Greetings! I have a husband and wife in the club who have
> been individual members for 12 years and now want to become
> one member. Can anyone help me with procedure to follow?
> Thanks in advance
> Lounge Rat

Hi Tim,

Two accounts; two social security numbers. No can do! It would be best to
transfer stock to the departing spouse and let the other spouse continue to
pay into the club, as usual.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club
I am not sure about this but ...

It may be possible to name both as joint owners on 2 separate memberships if
the only intent is to join the assets, assuming your club doesn't limit
membership to single individuals (I know other people who have done this
with other assets including brokerage accounts)

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Lynn Ostrem
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 2:53 PM
To: The Club Cafe
Subject: Re: club_cafe: marital bliss

> Greetings! I have a husband and wife in the club who have
> been individual members for 12 years and now want to become one
> member. Can anyone help me with procedure to follow?
> Thanks in advance
> Lounge Rat

Hi Tim,

Two accounts; two social security numbers. No can do! It would be best to
transfer stock to the departing spouse and let the other spouse continue to
pay into the club, as usual.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club
Seems as if all you have to do is withdraw fully one of the
members and transfer all the units of one to the other.

Timothy Thomas wrote:
> Greetings! I have a husband and wife in the club who have
> been individual members for 12 years and now want to become
> one member. Can anyone help me with procedure to follow?
> Thanks in advance
> Lounge Rat