A member of the club sent me an email over the internet and
my password was displayed. Because of this I changed my
password. Is there any way to prevent this from happening
again? When other members of the club send me an email my
password does not appear.

Rose Rooney
ROSE K. ROONEY writes:
> A member of the club sent me an email over the internet and
> my password was displayed. Because of this I changed my
> password. Is there any way to prevent this from happening
> again? When other members of the club send me an email my
> password does not appear.

This is an excellent warning! NEVER send passwords in email. You did
exactly the right thing by changing your password immediately.

As to how to prevent this in the future, I suggest the following:

* Keep your password to yourself. Do not tell anyone what it is.
  With bivio, everybody in your club has their own password so there
  should be no need to tell anybody else.

* If you have told someone your password, change it immediately.

* Pick a password that is hard to guess. Add a number or punctuation
  in the middle of the password. For example, suppose you'd like to
  use your cat's name as a password, and your cat's name is "Garfield".
  Any of the following would be good passwords: "Gar'field",
  "G0rf13ld", and "Gar/ield". Adding a non-letter to your password
  makes it almost impossible to guess.

Remember: Security is a process. It's up to everyone in your club to
understand that passwords are "secrets". More and more applications
are going "online" (banking, accounting, brokerages, emails, etc.),
and users need to understand that security starts with them. If you
can't keep a secret, you can't be trusted with one!

bivio Inc.