club_cafe: can't access my data
In a message dated 5/7/2005 8:37:56 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
I can't get into my data to make my report every since last
night. I have to have my report done by tomorrow.   Below is
the message I get.  Anyone know what is going on?

Your request cannot be fulfilled because the submitted data
is no longer valid.
This may happen if you press Reload or Back on your browser.

If you do not understand this error message, please email
customer support at
Have you followed the instructions above and emailed customer support at I have always found them quick to respond.
Ira Smilovitz wrote:
> In a message dated 5/7/2005 8:37:56 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> I can't
> get into my data to make my report every since last
> night. I have to have
> my report done by tomorrow.   Below is
> the message I get. 
> Anyone know what is going on?
> Your request cannot be fulfilled because
> the submitted data
> is no longer valid.
> This may happen if you press
> Reload or Back on your browser.
> If you do not understand this error
> message, please email
> customer support at
> Have you followed the instructions above and emailed customer support at I have always found them
> quick to respond.
> Ira Smilovitz

I have sent in a request for help but it is Saturday and I
don't know if anyone is in today. I was hoping someone
else has had this happen to them. Just before I got the
first message I got one that said they were doing
maintenance in the system for a short while. But that was
almost 12 hours ago. Joyce
You are absolutely correct that there is an access error
with your account. We are working to fix it, and will
respond today via email directly. We apologize for the