How can I handle tax year not aligned to calendar tax year...?
Hi Bivioers,
I live in Oz, and our tax year runs from July 1 - June 30
each year - yeah - wierd isn't it?

Has anyone had experience or advice on how Bivio records
could be reported on for our tax return?



I'm sure you'll receive a better answer than this, but I do believe that
changing your tax year to a calendar year would be fairly simple.
Corporations do it all the time. Club Accounting was set up for calendar
year reporting, and it would be much more economical for you to switch than
for them to have to write a separate program. You'll be happier if you
don't have to do all this hokey pokey tax stuff by hand. Consider it.

Good luck to you,
Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club
Mike Taylor writes:
> Hi Bivioers,

We like to think of ourselves as bivions. Some like to calls us
biviots. ;-)

> I live in Oz, and our tax year runs from July 1 - June 30
> each year - yeah - wierd isn't it?

Everything is upside-down down there. I am always amazed that you
guys don't get more headaches.

> Has anyone had experience or advice on how Bivio records
> could be reported on for our tax return?

We don't support this now, but we'll look into this. Do we have until
Jul 31 or so to get this to work, i.e. when are your tax reports due?
