Follow Up on Pengrowth "Dividends"
Thanks again guys for a prompt and spirited response to my
post on Pengrowth “dividends.”

Because of all of your input I went to the Pengrowth web
page and read all the documents for U.S. taxpayers. With
not much hope of success, I called Scottrade and asked if
they would retract the 1099 Miscellaneous Income
classification for the Pengrowth distribution – lo and
behold, they said they had done that and that a revised 1099
was now available on line.

Now they list the distribution from Pengrowth in the
Supplemental Information, Non-Reportable Activity as a MLP
Distribution (Master Limited Partnership Distribution).
They continue to list the 15% foreign tax as a paid item in
the 1099-Div section.

Apparently, since it is now non-reportable activity, the IRS
will not see it as income and I will not need to enter it in
the bivio accounting. Is that correct?

If that is correct, where do I enter the foreign tax paid in
the bivio accounting? That will still be reported to the
IRS on the revised 1099.

I think Ira may have something – sell the #*@#* Pengrowth.

Again, thanks for you assistance and any help on the last
two questions will be appreciated.
