Scottrade 1099 vs. bivio Sched K
While getting our club IRS forms in order I noticed a
difference between the bivio-generated Schedule K and the
1099 report from our broker (Scottrade). I would appreciate
any suggestions from those who use bivio for their club
accounting as to how I should resolve this.

Schedule K (bivio), Line 6a (ordinary dividends) $266.62

Dividends and Distributions 1099-Div (Scottrade) $247.76

The difference between the above two amounts of $18.66 is
reported by Scottrade under Miscellaneous Income 1099-Misc
as “other income” from Pengrowth Energy Trust (PGH).

When I entered the $18.66 from PGH, I entered it as a
dividend. When checking back now using bivio’s “edit”
function, I did not see any option to enter it as "other

Any suggestions as to what I should do to make the 1099
values agree with the bivio-generated IRS forms?