Sold stock
I sold several stocks and entered them into the Bivio
software. One of the stocks I sold, which should now have a
zero balance, is still showing up in my portfolio and in the
valuation. The transactions section shows the sale of the
stock but did not enter the number of shares. The amount of
the sale is correctly added to the broker balance. The
transaction history report does not show the sale of the
stock. It's like it's stuck in limbo. I've tried deleting
the sale and then adding it again, but it does the exact
same thing. All the other stocks I entered as sold show up
correctly. Any ideas on how to fix?

Melanie Klinner writes:
> I sold several stocks and entered them into the Bivio
> software. One of the stocks I sold, which should now have a
> zero balance, is still showing up in my portfolio and in the
> valuation. The transactions section shows the sale of the
> stock but did not enter the number of shares. The amount of
> the sale is correctly added to the broker balance. The
> transaction history report does not show the sale of the
> stock. It's like it's stuck in limbo. I've tried deleting
> the sale and then adding it again, but it does the exact
> same thing. All the other stocks I entered as sold show up
> correctly. Any ideas on how to fix?

This question would be better answered via
However, I checked your portfolio quickly, and it seems to be ok.
Often this type of problem occurs if the transaction is entered in the

If you are still having a problem, please email
