how software handles fees & expense w/o allocating
Our club collects late fee for dues not paid on time. Of
course these late fees do not buy units for the late paying
member. Is there any way to do a report on fees? What
exactly is the software doing with the fees besides adding
them to the bank account?

Also, when we purchase for example tax software, we'd like
to expense this from the fees without allocating the expense
to all the members. Is there any way to do this?

Melanie Klinner writes:
> Our club collects late fee for dues not paid on time. Of
> course these late fees do not buy units for the late paying
> member. Is there any way to do a report on fees? What
> exactly is the software doing with the fees besides adding
> them to the bank account?

Fees are added to the bank account, and the fee-paying member's cost
basis is increased by the amount of the fee. A fee is a capital
contribution, not income. If it were income, the other members would
be paying taxes on that income.

> Also, when we purchase for example tax software, we'd like

Just a note: You don't need tax software if you use bivio. Taxes are
free with any subscription.

> to expense this from the fees without allocating the expense
> to all the members. Is there any way to do this?

No. The fee you entered penalized the member, because the member
didn't get any units for the capital contribution.

You don't "expense from fees". If a member pays for tax software out
of their own pocket, just use an Out of Pocket Expense entry. Here's
the help page that describes how to do that:
