The members of the A.V. Investment Club want to thank Eric,
Rob, and Karen for making the job of Treasurer a lark.
We changed from NAIC accounting last April. It is a great
feeling not to do our tax. Don't have to do the 1065. Don't
have to do the K-1's. Bivio does it all. Not to have to ask
constant questions. Ira Smilovitz must be on his computer 24
hours a day trying to answer NAIC tax questions.

It is nice to know that if we would need help Bivio is
right their with quick couterous help. It is nice to turn on
the computer and the valuation is up to date. You do not
have to enter stock purchases or sales into the program
Bivio does it for you. Dividends are entered by Bivio. They
take care of which dividends are ordinary and which are
qualified. The only thing you have to enter is the monthly
member investment and any withdrawal.

If all the Treasurers of the NAIC could try the Bivio
program we are sure their would be a lot of clubs leaving
NAIC accounting.

Thanks again Bivio for making club accounting a pleasure
instead of a dread.

Frank Novotny
Financial Secretary
A.V. Investment Club
Frank D. Novotny writes:
> The members of the A.V. Investment Club want to thank Eric,
> Rob, and Karen for making the job of Treasurer a lark.

Please also thank Paul. He's the "man behind the curtain", the
Wizard. And there's Ion, who leads us from one charge to the next,
the eternal optimist.

All of us from bivio thank you for being a great customer. It is
a cliche, but we really are here to serve you. All of you.

Thank you for using bivio,