Toolkit 5 PERT questions/problems
Hello! I have just purchased Toolkit 5 from NAIC and have noticed a couple of disparities in the PERT report.
Column P - titled CURR P/E - isn't the number shown the projected P/E? On one of my stocks, the number shown is 19.7, the projected P/E shown on the SSG. The current P/E is 21.0 shown on the SSG. Is the column title incorrect, or the number shown?
Column R - RV - the number shown on my report is the PROJECTED RV as shown on the SSG, not the RV. Is the column title incorrect, or the number shown?
Columns W and X - P/E as a % of growth rate - What does this number mean? What should I be looking for? This number is not defined anywhere in the user's manual.
Any help would be appreciated!!
Steve Hayman
Pascagoula, MS
Philip Hayman wrote:
> Hello! I have just purchased Toolkit 5 from NAIC and have noticed a couple of disparities in the PERT report.
> Column P - titled CURR P/E - isn't the number shown the projected P/E? On one of my stocks, the number shown is 19.7, the projected P/E shown on the SSG. The current P/E is 21.0 shown on the SSG. Is the column title incorrect, or the number shown?
> Column R - RV - the number shown on my report is the PROJECTED RV as shown on the SSG, not the RV. Is the column title incorrect, or the number shown?
> Columns W and X - P/E as a % of growth rate - What does this number mean? What should I be looking for? This number is not defined anywhere in the user's manual.
> Any help would be appreciated!!
> Steve Hayman
> Pascagoula, MS
PERT is a forward-looking document so, yes, both P&R are
projected values. P/E as a % of growth is also known as PEG.
A rough guideline is that this shouldn't exceed 1.5, 150%.
But since each industry is different, a blanket value
doesn't smoothly apply to every company.
Bob Mann