club_cafe: ?? About Worthless stocks
In a message dated 1/31/2005 1:23:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: writes:
> You'll have to wait for a response from bivio's support staff, but I
> don't see any reason why the software can't prepare the amended
> return provided you can still get access to it. (I don't know if the
> historical return availability within bivio includes the ability to
> rerun past year returns or only to view the saved returns.)

All bivio tax software is available whenever you have a subscription.
You can go back to 1999, which was the year we launched.  We don't
charge separately for tax software.

Rob Nagler
bivio Inc.
Yes, but when I reset my club's tax date to 2002 and then clicked on the "retake the Partnership Tax Interview" link, it came back with a page titled "Partnership Interview for 12/31/2004". So, it's not apparent that you can *change* a past year return.
Ira Smilovitz writes:
> Yes, but when I reset my club's tax date to 2002 and then clicked on
> the "retake the Partnership Tax Interview" link, it came back with a
> page titled "Partnership Interview for 12/31/2004". So, it's not
> apparent that you can *change* a past year return.

This is a bug in the user interface. Thanks for finding it. :-)

We will fix it in this week's release. If you need to retake a prior
year's tax interview, email support, and we'll reply with a link that
will work today.
