club_cafe: entering Options Manually
I guess I should have specified - in our case, they were all long put/call positions.  I would agree with the covered-call issues that everyone's mentioned.

From: [] On Behalf Of Rip West
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 10:11 PM
To: The Club Cafe
Subject: Re: club_cafe: entering Options Manually

Rob said....
<<Manually accounting for calls is quite tricky from a tax perspective.>>
That's very true. In the case of writing covered calls there are three possible outcomes. It is not impossible to account for these outcomes by workarounds, but it gets very tricky, especially in getting the dates correct. In addition to that there is a problem that I have never been able to work around. That is how to value the covered call from the time that you write it until it has expired or been exercised. Since it is, in effect, a short sale, you have to have a way to input a negative position in your valuation statement, and have that value fluctuate with the market price of the call.
As Rob said, bivio offers a premium service to take care of those problems. I would never try to account for covered calls manually using the basic program.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN