Buy and Hold accounting errors
I have noticed numerous account errors in our club's account
at Mostly they are related to reinvestment
of dividends. BuyandHold repeatly double posts the entries,
which creates a real problem for AccountSync. AccountSync
records the dividens and reinvestments in our Bivio accout,
but does not record the reversals when Buy and Hold gets
around to correcting their error). I have contacted Buy and
Hold several times about this, but they don't seem to be
interested in correcting this problem. Are other clubs
experiencing this problem? If so, perhaps we could convince
Bivio to contact Buy and Hold on behalf of its group of
clubs. I would think Bivio might have more clout than an
individual club.

Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith writes:
> experiencing this problem? If so, perhaps we could convince
> Bivio to contact Buy and Hold on behalf of its group of
> clubs. I would think Bivio might have more clout than an
> individual club.

We don't have more clout, unfortunately. We are looking into a way to
detect the "reversals" -- which actually are "disappearances", not
