3 questions - valuation date, AIRR, covered calls recording
Does anybody know how one can enter a future valuation date
in Bivio?
Does anybody know how I can access my AIRR as a member?
Would you know of a better way to record the selling of
covered calls besides putting it into the stock section
which then does not at all reflect the true picture of
Thank you
Justice Inc. writes:
> Does anybody know how one can enter a future valuation date
> in Bivio?

Valuations are based on the values in our price database, which
contains historical prices only. Showing a future valuation date on a
report would be misleading. Perhaps we can help you do what you want
to do another way.

> Does anybody know how I can access my AIRR as a member?

The AIRR is found on your Member Performance Report:

If the value is showing N/A, it means you haven't been in the club
longer than the AIRR wait period. We don't show it in summary format
when this is the case, because comparing the values can be very
misleading. You can still see the value if you drill down by
clicking on "detail" next to your name.

> Would you know of a better way to record the selling of
> covered calls besides putting it into the stock section
> which then does not at all reflect the true picture of
> things?

There is no other way to correctly record a covered call than to use
the "Sell" button. To ensure correct tax form generation, you should
record it this way.

Before the call expires, it will show in your portfolio as a short
sell, i.e., a negative value. It is a liability against your
portfolio until it is expired, assigned, or repurchased. If you have
a suggestion as to how to best reflect this liability, please let us

> Would you know of a better way to record the selling of
> covered calls besides putting it into the stock section
> which then does not at all reflect the true picture of
> things?

I think you have an erroneous view of how to reflect the 'true picture of things'. As Rob explained, the sale of a call results in a short sale which appears in your portfolio as a negative. As the market value  of the call goes up, your portfolio value decreases. As the market value goes down, the portfolio value increases.
Many treasurers are concerned only about how to reflect the gain loss on a call, without considering the effect on the valuation statement until the call transaction has been consumated.
I don't wish to sound superior [however, I know I do], but I suggest that  you  really study the ins and outs of covered calls before  you  embark on using them for your club. You need to know when income/loss is recognized and what happens in the interim period.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
Thank you for your response Rip. I agree with you exactly
and as a member I am trying to help our treasurer input the
data correctly so that we do have that negative showing up
in our portfolio, which we do not now. My question is, how
do we do this with this Bivio program?
As well, how would we record currencies?
Thank you

rip west wrote:
> > Would you
> know of a better way to record the selling of
> > covered calls besides
> putting it into the stock section
> > which then does not at all reflect the
> true picture of
> > things?
> I think you have an erroneous view of how to
> reflect the 'true picture of things'. As Rob explained, the sale of a call
> results in a short sale which appears in your portfolio as a negative. As the
> market value  of the call goes up, your portfolio value decreases. As the
> market value goes down, the portfolio value increases.
> Many treasurers are concerned only about how to
> reflect the gain loss on a call, without considering the effect on the valuation
> statement until the call transaction has been consumated.
> I don't wish to sound superior [however, I know I
> do], but I suggest that  you  really study the ins and outs of covered
> calls before  you  embark on using them for your club. You need to
> know when income/loss is recognized and what happens in the interim
> period.
> Rip West
> Saint Paul, MN
Justice Inc. writes:
> Thank you for your response Rip. I agree with you exactly
> and as a member I am trying to help our treasurer input the
> data correctly so that we do have that negative showing up
> in our portfolio, which we do not now. My question is, how
> do we do this with this Bivio program?

You should probably contact us at so that we can
help you directly. We can't post specific links to your club for
privacy reasons.

> As well, how would we record currencies?

bivio is single currency. Are you purchasing currencies from multiple

Thanks Rob for your response. What the Club was trying to
do is to automatically calculate the value of what it owes
on lets say the 27th of Nov but when we inputed that date,
the program rejected it. Is there another way of doing the
same thing?

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Justice Inc. writes:
> > Does anybody know how one can enter a future valuation date
> > in Bivio?
> Valuations are based on the values in our price database, which
> contains historical prices only. Showing a future valuation date on a
> report would be misleading. Perhaps we can help you do what you want
> to do another way.
> > Does anybody know how I can access my AIRR as a member?
> The AIRR is found on your Member Performance Report:
> If the value is showing N/A, it means you haven't been in the club
> longer than the AIRR wait period. We don't show it in summary format
> when this is the case, because comparing the values can be very
> misleading. You can still see the value if you drill down by
> clicking on "detail" next to your name.
> > Would you know of a better way to record the selling of
> > covered calls besides putting it into the stock section
> > which then does not at all reflect the true picture of
> > things?
> There is no other way to correctly record a covered call than to use
> the "Sell" button. To ensure correct tax form generation, you should
> record it this way.
> Before the call expires, it will show in your portfolio as a short
> sell, i.e., a negative value. It is a liability against your
> portfolio until it is expired, assigned, or repurchased. If you have
> a suggestion as to how to best reflect this liability, please let us
> know.
> Rob
Justice Inc. writes:
> Thanks Rob for your response. What the Club was trying to
> do is to automatically calculate the value of what it owes
> on lets say the 27th of Nov but when we inputed that date,
> the program rejected it. Is there another way of doing the
> same thing?

I'm not sure what you mean by "what it owes". We can't value your
portfolio in the future, because we do not know what the prices of
your investments will be in the future.

I agree with you exactly and as a member I am trying to help our treasurer input the data correctly so that we do have that negative showing up in our portfolio, which we do not now.  My question is, how do we do this with this Bivio program?

I think you are making hard work of this. It's actually very easy. Say you wanted to enter the sale of a call on Intel  - Call Apr 05 12.5 (NQ DA) on 10/31/04. You should go to Investments|Sell/Short and enter the sale of 100 shares for 9.80 a share, as of 10/31/04. You will now have that negative showing up in your portfolio, and subsequent valuations will reflect your gain/loss as the price of the call fluctuates. You now have the money in your broker a/c, but the gain/loss on the sale has not been reflected, because you don't know what the result will be. Later, the call might elapse, or you might cover it, or you might have the stock sold away from you, all of which options can be reflected in the bivio software when that time comes.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
Yes Rob, we are trading 6 or 7 different currencies.
I just contacted support for assistance with covered calls.

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Justice Inc. writes:
> > Thank you for your response Rip. I agree with you exactly
> > and as a member I am trying to help our treasurer input the
> > data correctly so that we do have that negative showing up
> > in our portfolio, which we do not now. My question is, how
> > do we do this with this Bivio program?
> You should probably contact us at so that we can
> help you directly. We can't post specific links to your club for
> privacy reasons.
> > As well, how would we record currencies?
> bivio is single currency. Are you purchasing currencies from multiple
> countries?
> Rob