Stock Split - Cash in lieu of fractional shares
Instructions ;
Enter amt of cash rcvd and the Account the money was
deposited into.

I am not sure what account this $ should deposited in.

Any suggestions?

Ray Marchand
Ray Marchand wrote:
> Instructions ;
> Enter amt of cash rcvd and the Account the money was
> deposited into.
> I am not sure what account this $ should deposited in.
> Any suggestions?
> Ray Marchand
I shares plus fractional shares (40.4685) after 2-1 split I
got 80.4685 plus cash for .4685 shares.
The split screen will not accept this.
Ray Marchand
Ray Marchand wrote:
> I shares plus fractional shares (40.4685) after 2-1 split I
> got 80.4685 plus cash for .4685 shares.
> The split screen will not accept this.
The split page expects all the fractional shares to be sold. For
your transaction, this doesn't appear to be the case.
You can enter the transaction in two parts, first enter a 2-1 split,
which results in 80.937 shares.
Then record a sale of the 0.4685 shares for the fractional share cash
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.