Valuation Reports & Options
I recently subscribed to Bivio due to the addition of option
accounting. I noticed that after an expiration month has
passed, historical valuation reports show my options as
$0.00 An example, I owned GM Sept 42.5 Calls and when I now
run a valuation report (9/6/04), the calls show as being
valued at $0 when I know this was not the case. Please
advise on how to accurately create this valuation report and
also what affect this has on unit calculations for payment.

Thank you.
Robert Thomas Jr. wrote:
> An example, I owned GM Sept 42.5 Calls and when I now
> run a valuation report (9/6/04), the calls show as being
> valued at $0 when I know this was not the case.
We're in the process of adding the valuations for options to our
database. When completed, there will be valuations for all options
from 1/1/04 onward. September valuations should be present by the
end of the today.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.