Problems with Buy And Hold
Over the last couple years I have noticed some problems with
the Buy And Hold service. Reinvestments are not handled
correctly, and some balances are not reported correctly. Has
anyone else been having this problem? Can anyone suggest a
more reliable firm to handle our account? We are a small
club only trading an average of once a month. Any help or
suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Greg Kwick writes:
> Over the last couple years I have noticed some problems with
> the Buy And Hold service. Reinvestments are not handled
> correctly, and some balances are not reported correctly. Has
> anyone else been having this problem? Can anyone suggest a
> more reliable firm to handle our account? We are a small
> club only trading an average of once a month. Any help or
> suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

We have speaking with, which offers a similar
service. I haven't tried it, but they seem like good folks.

For you information, here is the list the complete list of AccountSync
brokers: Ameritrade, BUYandHOLD, HARRISdirect, Charles Schwab,
E*TRADE, and TD Waterhouse.

I personally use Ameritrade, and have been happy with their service.

I would use $12 per trade and works well
with account synch. Dividends not necessarily reinvested
through Ameritrade but will post to your brokerage cash
balance and be viewable as income when they automatically
post from Ameritrade to Bivio.


Greg Kwick wrote:
> Over the last couple years I have noticed some problems with
> the Buy And Hold service. Reinvestments are not handled
> correctly, and some balances are not reported correctly. Has
> anyone else been having this problem? Can anyone suggest a
> more reliable firm to handle our account? We are a small
> club only trading an average of once a month. Any help or
> suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.