Officer elections
We started our club about two years ago with officers
holding their positions for two years so we need to hold
officer nominations and elections. We have five
positions, managing partner, assistant managing partner,
money manager, historian, and market tracker and 13 current
members. Any thoughts from other clubs about your
David Rathke wrote:
> We started our club about two years ago with officers
> holding their positions for two years so we need to hold
> officer nominations and elections. We have five
> positions, managing partner, assistant managing partner,
> money manager, historian, and market tracker and 13 current
> members. Any thoughts from other clubs about your
> experience?
We hold office for one year at a time, and NOBODY can be in
the same position for more than 2 consecutive terms. They
can return to the position after a one year absence. Our
by-laws and rules can be found at We
had to strongarm a couple people last year. Usually, people
will accept if they are asked directly to hold a position.
Everyone is told up front that they are expected to hold
office several times while a member of the club.

If nobody volunteers, then draw names out of a hat of
eligible partners. The drawn name automatically is the

Our club holds elections every year. Any member may toss their hat into the
ring. These elections are voted by private ballot. We have come to realize
that changing the "guard" for the sake of change does not work.

Therefore, we allow our members to succeed themselves in any office for as
long as the voting body chooses to keep them in those positions. Believe
me, rarely will any member want to hold the same office more than 3 years!

We don't want a disorganized wallflower in charge of running our meetings. A
bad agenda or a poorly run meeting can cause a club to become bored and

We don't want someone with no flair for numbers handling our books, either.
That's another recipe for disaster!

For those reasons, it's sometimes necessary (or at least plausible) to allow
a member to keep their position as long as they are doing a good job and
enjoying the experience.

Just my 2 cents (from 11 years of clubbing!)

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club