How to tell if too many files are showing
I think bivio is great. I was checking out a few clubs and it seems that some clubs make too many files public. Is there a polite way of warning a club admin that a lot of information is out there?
> I think bivio is great. I was checking out a few clubs and it seems that
some clubs make too many files public. Is there a polite way of warning a
club admin that a lot of information is out there?

Hi Joe,

I'm the president and webmistress of Crow River Investment Club. We have
championed the cause for getting more clubs to make their sites public, and
we have applauded Bivio for giving us a public directory. We consider
ourselves a model club and we probably post more of our files publically
than most. If ever you wanted to question an administrator of such a pubic
site, I'd be a good one.

So what's your point? I'd be interested in knowing. Are we putting
something out there that you disagree with? I can assure you that nothing
on our site is "showing" by accident. And if you are not a current
accounting subscriber, I can also assure you that it's not possible for our
books or other financial information to be seen by anyone who is not a
registered member of our club.

Can you give me an example?

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club
You have set up a great site!

I was thinking about another club which posts its minutes and identifies addresses,  phone numbers, and names of members. Am I being too sensitive to privacy issues?

Lynn Ostrem <> wrote:
> I think bivio is great. I was checking out a few clubs and it seems that
some clubs make too many files public. Is there a polite way of warning a
club admin that a lot of information is out there?

Hi Joe,

I'm the president and webmistress of Crow River Investment Club. We have
championed the cause for getting more clubs to make their sites public, and
we have applauded Bivio for giving us a public directory. We consider
ourselves a model club and we probably post more of our files publically
than most. If ever you wanted to question an administrator of such a pubic
site, I'd be a good one.

So what's your point? I'd be interested in knowing. Are we putting
something out there that you disagree with? I can assure you that nothing
on our site is "showing" by accident. And if you are not a current
accounting subscriber, I can also assure you that it's not possible for our
books or other financial information to be seen by anyone who is not a
registered member of our club.

Can you give me an example?

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club
> I was thinking about another club which posts its minutes
> and identifies addresses, phone numbers, and names of
> members. Am I being too sensitive to privacy issues?
Thanks for the compliment, Joe.  Too sensitive?  I'm not so sure.  We don't share our phone numbers or addresses in cyberspace, but we do share full names and email addresses. I guess it would be easy to look us up on the internet if you know where we operate from!
Being on Bivio isn't anything like being on Yahoo! where there are lots of people lurking in the shadows! <G>  There's not much stalking going on here.  I liken Bivio to a suburban neighborhood.
Personally, I know of clubs that would be horrified at the thought of the value of their portfolio being available online.  Geez!  What are we going to do?  Flog them for their terrible choices?  Stalk them until they adopt us and put us in their will?  Not without their address and phone number, I guess! <G>
I would really like to see the Bivio community become more active.  With NAIC leaning more toward the individual member (and God knows what else) we club people aren't getting as much support.  We need to stick together.  We should get our members to activate the Club Cafe so the messages automatically come into their inboxes.  This board isn't nearly as active as the I-Club-List, and the worse that could happen is they learn something!
We should be sharing education and stock study ideas.  For example, our club has a calendar of events, and every month someone is responsible for giving a stock presentation.  The presentation and SSG datafile are uploaded to our Files Section under Reports/SSGs. (For the newest, look at the date of the file.) There are only 8 of us.  What a waste to put all that time into research, only to give a 5 minute presentation to 7 people!  These should be shared with other clubs, and other clubs should be doing the same.
Same with education.  We could all cut time, and better our meetings, by sharing our creativity and resources.  And that can't happen if everyone is holed up in their private Bivio site.
Joe, I think much more can be gleaned from making our sites public, than keeping them private.  I hope you plan to open yours and share the wealth!
Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club