Short sales
Any chance that the ability to enter short sales (without
using the work around) will be available soon? We have been
doing quite a bit of shorting and the members can not view
the current holdings due to the inability to enter the
positions until the position is closed. It is also somewhat
of an accounting headache.

Jonathan Abner writes:
> Any chance that the ability to enter short sales (without
> using the work around) will be available soon? We have been
> doing quite a bit of shorting and the members can not view
> the current holdings due to the inability to enter the
> positions until the position is closed. It is also somewhat
> of an accounting headache.

It turns out the it is a programming headache, too. We have a
preliminary implementation that doesn't handle taxes correctly.
Unfortunately, we simply cannot justify the work on short sales right
now. Too few clubs take short positions.

When we have "spare" time, we try to implement features like this.
The problem is that spare time is hard to come by these days.

We apologize for promising a feature we did not deliver.
