Unit valuation
I am trying to figure out how the total number of valuation
units to date are calculated. We have a member withdrawing.
One of our holdings is on the American Stock Exchange and is
not updated with current valuations on bivio. I beleive I
am going to need to factor this information into the number
of units (if it is based on current market price) and also
the value of the units. Do I have a concern here?

Thanks in advance,

I beleive I am going to need to factor this information into the number
of units (if it is based on current market price) and also the value of
the units. Do I have a concern here?

No, not really. All you have to do, is go to Accounting!Investments and
click on the final Icon, which is 'Value Unlisted'. Enter the date for
the valuation you want, and enter the price for the unlisted stock as of
that date. The program will do the rest.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN