club_cafe: Withdrawn member who hasn't cashed her buyout check
In a message dated 4/20/2004 10:39:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Our club bought out a member in Sept 2003 for the amount of
$1,300 but she never cashed the check.  In January 2004 we
found out that she had moved.  We stopped payment on her
check because she hadn't cashed it and we weren't sure where
the check was.  We sent a certified letter to her last known
address explaining what we did and to please contact us so
that we can reissue her check.  The certified letter came
back to us.  We also sent her 2003 tax forms along with
copies of our previous letter to her to this same address by
regular mail.  This did not come back to us and we are
assuming she received it but she still has not contacted us.
Our club is now going to dissolve but we don't know what we
should do about this.  What are our obligations?  Has anyone
else encountered such a scenario?
The best advice that I can give is to contact your state's Unclaimed Property Office. (It may be called the Escheat Office.) Ask them for guidance since state law governs here. Here's a good starting point for information... It is run by the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators.
Ira Smilovitz