Bivio Services
Have you ever considered offering an equivalent to the NAIC
OPS service on this site? I think you would generate a lot
of interest if that were a potential offering.

Nicholas Picini wrote:
> Have you ever considered offering an equivalent to the NAIC
> OPS service on this site? I think you would generate a lot
> of interest if that were a potential offering.
> Nick
I concur
Ray Marchand
Nicholas Picini writes:
> Have you ever considered offering an equivalent to the NAIC
> OPS service on this site? I think you would generate a lot
> of interest if that were a potential offering.

Not at this time. The data is expensive, and the amount we could
charge would be not be enough to cover the cost. Recent market events
(read: acquisitions) indicates the demand for SSG products is at an
all-time low. The low price of the NAIC OPS service further advances
the view that the SSG, although useful, would not be a profitable
offering for bivio.


Would this be a possiblity - it was proposed by C.H. Hodgkin
on the ICL:

AAII provides three things with their program.
1. A stock screening program
2. Data to work with the stock screening program
3. SSG files, which are independent, as far as I can
tel, from the stock screening data.

Right now, they are not unbundled. I wonder, though,
whether AAII would be interested, if enough people got
together to set it up, in just selling the SSG data
independently. Perhaps Bivio could contact with AAII
to buy their SSG files and provide online access to
them, paying an appropriate royalty to AAII?

Nicholas Picini writes:
> Right now, they are not unbundled. I wonder, though,
> whether AAII would be interested, if enough people got
> together to set it up, in just selling the SSG data
> independently. Perhaps Bivio could contact with AAII
> to buy their SSG files and provide online access to
> them, paying an appropriate royalty to AAII?

We'll contact AAII, and we'll report back here.

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Nicholas Picini writes:
> > Right now, they are not unbundled. I wonder, though,
> > whether AAII would be interested, if enough people got
> > together to set it up, in just selling the SSG data
> > independently. Perhaps Bivio could contact with AAII
> > to buy their SSG files and provide online access to
> > them, paying an appropriate royalty to AAII?
> We'll contact AAII, and we'll report back here.
> Rob

Does AAII have real time data?

Ray Marchand writes:
> Does AAII have real time data?

You probably should contact the AAII. I don't know why you would need
real-time data for SSGs, though.

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Ray Marchand writes:
> > Does AAII have real time data?
> You probably should contact the AAII. I don't know why you would need
> real-time data for SSGs, though.
> Rob

Currently when presenting a SSG for consideration for
purchase I update the price etc with latest COB data. which
is provided using OPS

Maybe I used wrong term