Account Sync Problems
Recently, my club experienced a problem with Account Sync
posting a double transaction for GE's latest dividend
distribution on 1/29/04 because TD Waterhouse reported one
distribution, cancelled it, and then posted a replacement
transaction for the correct amount.

However, bivio Account Sync posted this as two separate
dividends, creating an out of balance condition without
cancelling the previous transaction. Unfortunately, two
separate emails to bivio support have gone unanswered. I
guess this is going to have to be manually corrected because
Account Sync cannot distinguish cancelled transactions.
Steven Cook wrote:
> TD Waterhouse reported one
> distribution, canceled it, and then posted a replacement
> transaction for the correct amount.
> However, bivio Account Sync posted this as two separate
> dividends, creating an out of balance condition without
> canceling the previous transaction.
We've updated our AccountSync software to detect when a cancellation
occurs. It will still require the user to manually update the club's
records. In this case, you should edit the dividend and change the
amount. Select the 'transactions' link next to the brokerage account
on the Accounting / Accounts page and then select the 'edit' link next
to the canceled dividend.
> Unfortunately, two separate emails to bivio support have gone
> unanswered.
This should never happen, unless the email is being lost, or our
spam-blocking software is being over-protective of support email. Make
sure you send any questions to, or use the web form
on the following page:
If you don't hear an answer within one day, please resend the message.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.

Thanks for the explanation, I was beginning to wonder if you
guys were still there. ;)

