Email spam posing as Bivio?
Today I got a mail titled "rig: Important notify about your
e-mail account", from supposedly ""

It smells like spam to me, given the english, spacing of the
message, and ambiguity of what to do with the ".txt"
attachment. Here's the message contents

Hello user of e-mail server,

Our antivirus software has detected a large ammount of
from your email account, you may use our free anti-virus
tool to
clean up
your computer software.

For details see the attached file.

In order to read the attach you have to use the following

Kind regards,
   The team

Anyway, just wanted to send a heads up..
Ann Sunhachawee writes:
> Today I got a mail titled "rig: Important notify about your
> e-mail account", from supposedly ""
> It smells like spam to me, given the english, spacing of the
> message, and ambiguity of what to do with the ".txt"
> attachment. Here's the message contents

Thanks for the head up.

It is a virus. The latest variants are pretty nasty, because they
are attempting to impersonate companies, and the file is a zip file,
which we can't simply block with our virus filters. We'll look at
adding a filter for this specific virus.

It's extremely important that you don't open any attachments from
people you don't know, or that you suspect is not like other messages
from companies you communicate with. We are not "". We
always use a small b in bivio, and we are "bivio Inc.". A little
detail like that is hard for virus writers and spammers to get right.

And, although we try to protect our users from virii and spam, you
should always protect your computers with an up to date anti-virus
program. The $50 or less a year is a very good way to be sure your
computer remains virus-free.

> It's extremely important that you don't open any attachments from
> people you don't know...

And Rob, it's important that you don't open messages from people you DO know
that have been forwarded from others! These messages are innocently sent
along and can also contain viruses. For some reason, many people still
don't realize this!

Whenever I get a "fwd:" message from someone I know, I just delete it. One
joke isn't worth the cost and hassle of catching a virus. (Not that I would!
And Norton Anti-virus software is now $39.99.)

Lynn Ostrem