Club with traveling members
Our club has been going for over 2 years with about 10
members (growing a bit lately). One problem we have is that
half of our membership travels on business. So, we
constantly have to reschedule meetings and presentations.

Any thoughts on how we could do stock presentations in a
manner where we don't necessarily have to have everyone at a

Billy Witbeck wrote:

>Any thoughts on how we could do stock presentations in a
>manner where we don't necessarily have to have everyone at a


If your club follows the NAIC ssg, they can be done ahead of time by a
presenter and sent to everyone via e-mail for review prior to the
meeting. The presentation can be also e-mailed for review. Voting can
be done either at the meeting with those traveling submitting their
votes ahead of time, or a motion to purchase may be made at the meeting
with the vote held at the meeing and via e-mail and completed withing
some reasonable time following the meeting.

It won't be the same as if the traveling peple were present, but with
some reasonable accommodations, they can be given an opportunity to
participate. Use prior planning and the internet to your advantage.

John R. Munn wrote:
> Billy Witbeck wrote:
> >....cut...
> >
> >Any thoughts on how we could do stock presentations in a
> >manner where we don't necessarily have to have everyone at a
> >meeting?
> >
> Billy...
> If your club follows the NAIC ssg, they can be done ahead of time by a
> presenter and sent to everyone via e-mail for review prior to the
> meeting. The presentation can be also e-mailed for review. Voting can
> be done either at the meeting with those traveling submitting their
> votes ahead of time, or a motion to purchase may be made at the meeting
> with the vote held at the meeing and via e-mail and completed withing
> some reasonable time following the meeting.
> It won't be the same as if the traveling peple were present, but with
> some reasonable accommodations, they can be given an opportunity to
> participate. Use prior planning and the internet to your advantage.
> John

The SSG is only part of the decision making process. To this
is added ; news releases, cost of Stock Based Compensation
Expense not deducted from earnings, pending law suits and
SEC actions, Cash flow etc.

Ray Marchand

Ray Marchand wrote:

>The SSG is only part of the decision making process. To this
>is added ; news releases, cost of Stock Based Compensation
>Expense not deducted from earnings, pending law suits and
>SEC actions, Cash flow etc.

Ray... We're in agreement here... my error of omission. This detail can
also be covered in e-mail. In fact, most paper documentation has an
electronic equivalent, and if not, can be summarized by the stock
presenter for electronic distribution. I also feel that the stock
presenter is not there to spoon feed information to everyone and each of
us have an obligation to do our own due diligent research. It's only
necessary that we all vote from an informed position and to that end,
information, referencesand sources must be made available and widely
distributed. We can lead horses to water, but we can't make them drink.

