Member left the club.
One of aou members left our club in mid 2003. Her profit
was about $150.00. She moved out of New York and I do not
think I can contact her about the tax forms. Do you have
any advice on how to handle this situation????
Thanks....Lab Ratz

> One of aou members left our club in mid 2003. Her profit
> was about $150.00. She moved out of New York and I do not
> think I can contact her about the tax forms. Do you have
> any advice on how to handle this situation????
> Thanks....Lab Ratz

Yep! Complete the taxes and mail her K-1 to her last known address. It
will probably get forwarded to her. The U.S. Postal Service forwards for a
year. If it comes back to you, place it unopened in your 2003 tax file.
That's your proof that you made an effort to send it.

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis