Zacks Rating
On the Valuation Report I can obtain a Zacks rating.
For PEP - rating is a 4

What is the range of this rating and what does it rate?

Also shows analysrs buy/sell rating 1.9. This I understand
puts it into the Buy Range

Ray Marchand
Zacks ratings go from 1 to 5, with 1 being Strong Buy and 5
being Strong Sell. They are updated daily. Only about 800
stocks are allowed to hold #1 rankings at any one time, so a
#1 ranking indicates the cream of the rankings group of
about 8,800 stocks. The same holds true (in the other
direction) for the #5 rankings. Zack's Rankings are one of
my favorite indicators of performance as as it takes all
personal bias out of the ranking process - a Zacks Rank is a
purely quantitative evaluation of the fundamentals of the
company. I think the specific citeria for a stock being in
any category is posted somewhere on the web
site. According to Zacks, their #1 ranked stocks have
outperformed the SP500 33% to 12% over the past 5 years,
while #5 stocks have underperformed the SP500 by 189% over
the same period.

Chuck Reaves

Ray Marchand wrote:
> On the Valuation Report I can obtain a Zacks rating.
> For PEP - rating is a 4
> What is the range of this rating and what does it rate?
> Also shows analysrs buy/sell rating 1.9. This I understand
> puts it into the Buy Range
> Ray Marchand
Zacks ratings go from 1 to 5, with 1 being Strong Buy and 5
being Strong Sell. They are updated daily. Only about 800
stocks are allowed to hold #1 rankings at any one time, so a
#1 ranking indicates the cream of the rankings group of
about 8,800 stocks. The same holds true (in the other
direction) for the #5 rankings. Zack's Rankings are one of
my favorite indicators of performance as as it takes all
personal bias out of the ranking process - a Zacks Rank is a
purely quantitative evaluation of the fundamentals of the
company. I think the specific citeria for a stock being in
any category is posted somewhere on the web
site. According to Zacks, their #1 ranked stocks have
outperformed the SP500 33% to 12% over the past 5 years,
while #5 stocks have underperformed the SP500 by 189% over
the same period.

Chuck Reaves

Ray Marchand wrote:
> On the Valuation Report I can obtain a Zacks rating.
> For PEP - rating is a 4
> What is the range of this rating and what does it rate?
> Also shows analysrs buy/sell rating 1.9. This I understand
> puts it into the Buy Range
> Ray Marchand